Canteen Support

Canteen Suppliers Adelaide

The Best Canteen Service Providers in Adelaide

As canteen service providers in Adelaide, Our School Group Buying Facility benefits schools who wish to continue operating their canteen but would like to increase their profits and reduce the administrative burden on school staff.

Since its introduction in July 2002, the combined projected savings on our school purchasing costs are over $200,000 pa. Naturally, the larger the school, the greater the savings; however, this concept allows small high schools and primary schools to benefit greatly as well.

As a general guide, we believe we can reduce your current purchases by between 7 and 10% annually. In dollar terms, this could mean your school could save between $1,500 and $18,000 without giving up control of your canteen (savings projections are dependent on school size and level of involvement within the concept, but by utilising us as canteen service providers in Adelaide.

We believe that our selection of services and our team’s expertise will change how schools run their canteens in the future. Not only with their purchasing but with the additional services we provide that are included at no charge when you are part of our School Buying Group.

Metro Canteens Adelaide, canteen service providers image of a lady dishing up a meal at a canteen.
Metro Canteens Adelaide, canteen service providers image of a lady working on a laptop computer while writing a list on a paper notepad with a stack of fresh fruit blurred in the background.

Additional services

Menu Planning
In collaboration with our nutritionist and school representatives, Metro Canteens SA will design menus that satisfy not only hunger and taste but also nutrition standards and the ‘Right Bite’ healthy eating initiative. Our menus are regularly reviewed to ensure minimal wastage and maximum variety and flavour.

Metro Canteens provides the best canteen service providers in Adelaide. This includes trained and certified staff to operate and manage your canteen. Our team has all the necessary training and experience in food preparation, safety, and hygiene.

Our staff operate at the most optimal level to run your canteen and are also trained in financial canteen management.

Canteen Design and Layout Advice
With over 30 years of experience working in school and college canteens, Metro Canteens SA understand the importance of optimal canteen design and layout. We can assist in planning your canteen space to ensure fast and efficient traffic flow while maintaining high safety standards for students and staff. Metro Canteens SA will also design food displays and layouts to maximise healthy choices by students.

School fit-out of equipment

Access to the latest in modern and efficient food preparation equipment is vital in canteen management. Thankfully, Metro Canteens SA provides the following:

  • Turbo ovens

  • Display fridges

  • Warmers

  • Freezers

And any other equipment needed to fulfil our promise to provide healthy food prepared fresh daily – and at no cost to the school! This is how we are the leading canteen service providers in Adelaide.

Metro Canteens Adelaide, canteen service providers image of three Bain Marie's full of delicious hot food.

How we work

How Metro Canteens SA offer all of these significant savings and benefits
We have a group of suppliers with whom we have arranged bulk discounts.

  • We open an account in our name for your school so that you can benefit from this discount. All discounts offered are off that particular company’s average wholesale price. These discounts range from 5% to 30%.
  • Your canteen manager orders stock whenever they want, how much they want and delivers when they want the same as they do now. We do not place orders for you, and you do not need to buy a truckload to get the discount.
  • At the end of each week, your manager sends these invoices to our office.
  • We process these invoices each week, and at the end of each month, we send them back to the school, including:
    1. An invoice for each week’s purchases.
    2. A monthly statement with one amount for the school to pay.
    3. All of the original invoices you sent – You will need these to check your statement and department auditing purposes.
    4. A spreadsheet detailing your purchases and the amount you have saved.
  • You send us the funds within 5 working days of receipt, and we pay the suppliers.

As you can see, the process is simple but effective.

Ordering Apps

To make ordering more efficient, we can deploy an ordering app to support students and families to order online at their leisure and with parental supervision. This will ensure that students will not have to wait for service or pick up, and their choice is guaranteed.

We will work with you to understand the needs of the families and roll out the app accordingly.
We currently deploy the online ordering system to 90% of our school canteens.